No one else has mentioned this... I'm trying to be HELPFUL... Bro. Wren may have flown the coop, eh?
...I'm laughing WITH you!
i am trying to get in contact with clive wren from the uk.
he served in croydon, gujarati and lymington.. not sure if he is still active or not.. if he is still serving the name of his congregation would be amazing.. thanks.
No one else has mentioned this... I'm trying to be HELPFUL... Bro. Wren may have flown the coop, eh?
...I'm laughing WITH you!
the deeper you dig--the less impressive jw’s become!___________________you may think you know the men who are vitally important to the birth of the religion--but chances are good you’ve been kept in the dark.. _____________.
did you know?the 1st case heard by the supreme court of the united states concerning the watchtower society involved a director (an officer) of the watchtower, william franklyn hudgings.. a brief description of hudgings and his character.hudgings was an attorney, quack doctor, self-identified ‘scientist’, a pro-zionist, and religious enthusiast who over the years held various director and officer positions in the watchtower society, and the affiliated people's pulpit association and international bible students association.
at the time of this particular case, william hudgings acknowledged being the corporate secretary of the people's pulpit association and acknowledged that his daily duties included the administrative charge of printing of the watchtower magazine, the bible student's monthly, the kingdom news, and other watchtower publications.. (hudgings was also re-elected to the watchtower society board of directors in january 1919.
Terry, I _ALWAYS_ learn something from your posts!
Thank you so much for the dogged detective work!
just saying i’m still alive and greeting everyone, veterans and newcomers to this forum.. 2018 was a year with a lot of turmoil in my life; me and my wife separated, then reunited months later, and spent the second half of the year healing the emotional wounds from that episode.
that, along with a record year in terms of my business meant that choices had to be made regarding my time, and i decided to focus on my marriage instead of other endeavours.
it seemed to have paid off.
end of world has already begun, university of washington scientists say in book 'the life and death of planet earth' .
by ascribe, 1/13/2003 11:57 .
if true what a waste of dedicated funds that could have been used to build 1000's of k.h's in africa.
This is just as though they read the Scientology bok on managing Real-Estate! The Co$ does the same thing to avoid being perceived by the IRS as accumulating hoards of CASH!
"No, we're a RELIGION!"
yes, my keurig bit the dust after 14 years.
i want one just like it but that models not available.
it was only capable of a single cup, from 8 ounces to 12 ounces.
just received this on a very excited note from someone who is pimi.this is how some people start their year 2019.. very happy to say that the year 2019 marks for us 100 years out of darkness from babylon the great!.
additionally, it marks the 105th year of christ's rule in heaven (1914 a.d.), 2,021st year since jesus was born on earth (2 b.c.e.
), 4,391st year since the deluge (2370 b.c.e.
Let's not overlook King Jesus' GREAT CLEANSING of the sanctuary of pedophiles, a work that will conclude in our 21st century!
confusing standards or hodge podge?.
what is this about beards i never got the hang of from day one?
are beards ok or not?.
Tiki hit the nail on the head; "They are so obsessed with outward appearances...when the inner person is what is truly important..."
This was one of my major objections 50 years ago, although I was unable to articulate it so succinctly.
"Pasta" CT Russell stressed the importance of developing a "Christ-like" personality, as did most of the Zion's Watch Tower traveling representatives back in the day. Today you can find this in the Bible Students. If you ever have an opportunity to get to know one, I think you will find a side-by-side comparison of a typical Bible Student and one of Jehovah's Witnesses enlightening.
Fear not! I have not abandoned my atheism, nor am I about to. I am simply sharing my own experience. During the time I was working on my replica-reprint adventures, my research brought me into contact with a few modern day Bible Students, and I found them to be gentlemen with whom I enjoyed communicating; REALLY nice guys!
I'm not endorsing their doctrines or sticking with Pasta Russell. I think that I'm a pretty nice guy too, and I achieve that without any Bibles, Pyramidology or pasta Russell t-shirts. If I was to search for flaws in their character, I would say that one thing I found was some serious protectivism in regard to Bible Student history - as though they saw themselves as the angels blocking sinners from the entrance to Eden or the "Holy of Holies." They would clam up when discussions like the TRUE causes of Russell's death were brought up.
I forgive them, they're nice guys.
since my last post i have spoke with my parents and told them i am no longer a believer.
i told them i just can't anymore.
here is my short story.
I have said in the past that the "Three Pillars" of JWism are Guilt, Shame and Anger.
The feelings you are having are a normal grief reaction to realizing that the World View you were taught was insanely wrong.
Don't be (too) angry with your parents - they were fooled too - even more than you were, because they are still IN!
It is a fact of human psychology that one of the hardest things for most humans to do is to ADMIT THEY WERE WRONG. We see this with "investors" all the time - and what bigger "investment" can you make than your ENTIRE FUTURE?
You _DO_ have a right to be angry at the Ponzi schemers and LIARS who fooled you and your folks.
Use that ANGER along with the philosopher's stone of LOGIC to convert that ANGER into ACTION, by first saving yourself, then saving anyone else you can.
You will find allies and friends on this site.
Best wishes, Fognomore!
confusing standards or hodge podge?.
what is this about beards i never got the hang of from day one?
are beards ok or not?.
Here is my "nutshell" commentary:
A. Jews had beards
B. If Jesus existed, he would have had a beard, because he was the ULTIMATE Jew ("CODENAME: Ultra Jew-1" will be my next movie; watch for it, it is part of my "The Bible for Morons" Animated Series).
C. "Pasta" Charles Taze Russell had a beard.
D. Russellites (mostly just the guys, only a few of the wimmen) had beards of varying degrees of handsomeness in imitation of their Fearless Leader, whose own beard was of "meh" quality.
a recent photo of Pasta Russell:
E. "Stooge" Joseph Franklin Rutherford did NOT have a beard.
F. Therefore, no true Christian would dare wear a beard, unless they are gay, in which case the phrase "wear a beard" has a totally different meaning.
G.. I have no "The Bible for Morons" Animated Series. See? I'm compulsively honest.